Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Mascot

I've always sort of seen myself as the team mascot for all of my friends.

When I think of a mascot, I always picture sort of a goofy caricature that no one really takes seriously, but nevertheless remains the glue that keeps people coming back and rooting for their group, staying loyal.

Well, I've always thought of myself as that guy. In fact, up until very recently, I believed my status was relegated to simply being The Hairy Jewish Guy (Go BRUCE!!!!). And while the latter part is true--I am Jewish and nearly as hairy as an Ewok--I realized in the last day that I was, well, I was something more than that.

Last night, when I told my closest friends that there's a possibility I might be moving across the country, next February, I got a reaction that I never really expected to get: Sadness.

I mean, I'm not tooting my own horn. I don't think anyone is really going to be devastated or anything by my departure, but still...Wow! The reaction I got when I told some of them that I might be leaving? Well, I was really quite touched. Until last night, I never really knew that I had such an impact on my friends' lives here. I kind of always thought I was just someone who came in, made people smile and laugh and that was the end of it; and, as a result, I got the white "FRIEND" label slapped on my breast pocket.

I didn't realize I was so...loved. Maybe that says more about me as a person than it does about my friends. I've always kind of had this well, I don't really take myself very seriously, so why should anyone else? mentality. I use sarcasm and self-deprecation as a defense mechanism. It's not much of a secret. The irony of it all is that one of my biggest fears is that people will never take me seriously--as a man and as a person. What can I say? I'm my own worst enemy.

In the last few months--hell, all my life! My dad travels a lot!--I've really learned a valuable lesson about love and distance. And it's this: Just because something or someone you love isn't in front of you all the time, it doesn't mean there's any less love, it doesn't make it any less real. It just makes it all that more powerful. It makes it more concentrated, because you realize just how much the someone or something means to you and what they meant to you when they were there to begin with.

I love my friends--every single one of them. I always have. I just never really knew how much they loved me back.

Even for a neurotic cynic like myself,
that's a really, really nice surprise.


-Erik- said...

:) I'm in the closest friend category. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

Fuck yea I'm sad that you may leave. I love you Hal. I mean it. You are right in thinking that you are loved. You may have been the mascot with your other friends, but you're in my tight nit close friend group. I hate to see you go. I feel really sad when I think about it.

You are a good man and always know I'm in your side of the ring no matter what choices you make because that's what being a friend is all about.

Marynoe said...

Hey there fuzzy man! It's been much too long since I've read your blogs.

I just want you to know that you really are an amazing person Hal. There will always be many friends in our lives, but only a few that will really make an impact.

I can't remember the last time that I laughed so hard as I did with you guys last night. I had some horrible couple days with anxieties about friends and who I could truly feel comfortable being myself with. (Don't tell anyone, but I even struggle with this with some of my best friends.) You gave me a safe haven to relax, laugh, and talk until 5 in the morning.

You guys are awesome and you're in my 'A list' to stay. (sniff, sniff...)

-Mary Noel