Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Turn the Page

"There are people out there that love you. Write about them."

These words came from one of the sweetest, most generous individuals that I'm fortunate enough to call my friend. At the time, we were discussing a certain person and a certain situation, last week, of whom and which I will not dignify by going into detail about. As far as I'm concerned, the ugly and tumultuous events of last week are all part of one elephantine chapter that I've been ready and willing to turn the page on for quite some time now.

It's funny. A friend of mine once made the claim that I crave drama, I gravitate toward it and, ultimately, thrive on it. At one point in my life, that might have been true but these days, if anything, I'm starting to think that drama gravitates toward me!Honestly, I really do enjoy just walking into my apartment, turning left on my heel and free falling backwards onto my couch. It's not like I sit down at my kitchen table every night, rubbing my hands deviously, thinking to myself, gee, what can I cook up today that will surely make my blood pressure skyrocket???

So, from here on out, I'm going to do my damndest to turn my back on potential drama and walk--no, run!!--away from it, as far as my little (okay...not so little!) legs will carry me.

It's time for me to concentrate on the here, the now and, especially, the good. Lord knows, I'll take as much of that as I can get. And then some!! Truth is, I've been coming to realize, more and more lately, that there's plenty to write about when it comes to the positive stuff in my corner of the sky. I think it's high time that I start. Don't worry, though, boys and girls. There will always be stuff to bitch about.

C'est la vie.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Without drama our blogs would be very boring.... and my stories wouldn't be half as interesting :)